Wednesday, June 29, 2011

We pulled up and they had just finished putting the last blade on this wind tower bit sorry we missed the show would have been good to see the last blade getting put up these new towers have a lift in side to the top the older towers has stairs and then the tech guys etc would ab sail down South Australia leads the way in Wind farms . I really think it is the way to go and should be more of this type of thing going on in Australia
The height of the tower is 80 meters blade speed at the tip is 240 km per hour height to the top of the blade is 124 mtrs blade length is 44 mtrs made of glass epoxy laminate and they weigh 7.7 tone each the Nacelle weight { the top section the blades come from } 7.5 tone tower weight is 170 tone 4 bolted sections each 20 mtrs high I so enjoyed see these up close and was amazed at the size etc

Wind farm

Just out of Burra are 4 wind farms these are just awesome to see one farm is commissioned one under construction and the other two waiting to be plugged into the grid all up over 150 turbines ,

Done the repairs

The repairs are all done to our motor home  , We went for a drive in the Suzuki to Burra in this picture is the old Copper mine it is now used as a deep dive site over 50 mtrs deep the Government is thinking about reopening the mine so all that water would be pumped in to the Murray with its copper base not sure if that would be the way to go lets just hope they have a awesome filter system